Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hakata/Fukuoka, Himeji, Kobe, Osaka, phew

So... I posted the pictures on Tacos. It lacks trimming and organizing, but that's the best I can do. Now I can empty my camera and take pics at will in Kyoto and Nagoya. :D

If you know how to do it, would you mind copying my pictures to a local harddrive somewhere? I would feel more at peace, in case Titan/Tacos failed or something:

wget -np -nd -r https://home.sus.mcgill.ca/~csam/pictures/2005-04-ASIA/

Arigato gozaimasu!


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gg said:

I just saw Cafe Lumiere / Kohi Jikou https://www.e.bell.ca/filmfest/cinematheque/films.asp?cominFrom=Home||Schedule||April&filmID=1111&presentMonth=4 last night... wish I could jet off to Japan and take it all in, but for now I'll just live vicariously through you and your pics. =)

'Fraid I don't know how to get those pictures backed up, sorry. Are they FTPable? I can do that.

jean-pierre sam said:

Do you want me to save them in your hard disk at home

Cedric said:

Dear papa, It would be nice, but do you know how to do it? You have to open a Command Prompt in the correct directory, and then use the "wget ..." command. It will automatically save all the files found in the directory...


Ced said:

Re Vince, I've heard about that movie. But it didnt play in Montreal... Well, with the amount of J-movies I've seen last year...

I dont really have time to stop while on my trip. Last night I took a break from the running around, and just sat down in my bunk to write what I did in the past few days...

Now it's Sunday here. Going to Kyoto. It's a nice rainy spring day...


JP said:


Ced said:

Merci, mais ca sert a rien, parce que tout ce que tu sauves ce sont les thumbnails (petites images). Il faut ouvrir un command prompt et tapper exactement la ligne que j'ai ecrite (wget -np -nd -r https://home.sus.mcgill.ca/~csam/pictures/2005-04-ASIA/)


JP SAM said:

J'ai sauvé comme tu as indiqué wget ......., mais je ne trouve pas le fichier ainsi sauvé. Le texte sur le prompt command indique pourtant que l'instruction a bien été exécutée. 'Downloaded: 4,517 bytes in 2 files...' oû sont donc les 2 fichiers?

kiti said:

holy crap o.o it's french! Well, you are from Canada....but still! That's so neat o.o btw, when I went to Japan- I went with friends. I spoke the most japanese (which isn't much...), so we got through from city to city. I finally met up with my cousin (1/2 jap.) so I was saved @-@ I *kinda* know how you feel (except I talked to Ruth instead of my camera...unless it wasn't working ><)

Ced said:

Papa: non, c'est ok. Je ne comprends pas exactement, mais ca aurait du sauver tous les fichiers dans la page web (et recursif, donc les sous-dossiers aussi). Je vais le faire a HK...


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This page contains a single entry by Cedric published on April 2, 2005 8:11 PM.

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