Dino bones in Montreal
I haven't seen dinosaur fossils since I was a kid, and probably in Ottawa or Toronto, b/c I don't think we have a permanent dino expo going on here in this city. But then, there was this exhibit in the Old Port, in the Parc des Écluses running since June for until October 31st. They're fossils excavated from China, and the exhibit is organized by the Dalian Museum of Natural History, if I can recall what was written on the board, and certainly the same one that organized that dino bones exhibit in Taikoo Shing in Hong Kong, which people raved about in the press while I was there (I might be getting my numbers mixed up, but I thought I read a report saying there were going to be 4 million people visiting the exhibit in HK by the end of it - which is like half of HK population ^^;). But when we went, it was totally empty (a Tuesday evening, albeit warm for October)...
It's like the Pyramids, but all lot different category of old. Wut, these shapes existed 65 million years old? ... So much infinity, cannot grasp...
The neat thing were the pinyin names of the dinosaurs excavated in China (the mixture of English, and "Chinese" is bloody amusing).
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